Our Community.

SAVVI is a unique brand that is created for and with our community. Our purpose is to offer a platform that helps our community to achieve their highest aspirations. And ALL are welcome. We are dedicated to bringing people together to create something bigger than we could alone. SAVVI provides products and opportunities that elevate confidence, helping our community to LOOK good, FEEL good and DO good. Believing that if you can’t find the community you seek, you create it, our SAVVI culture is something unique and is intentionally and continuously created. We welcome you to join us and help us evolve. Read our Community Promise to discover who we strive to be every day.


Include +

It’s more than having an open seat at the table… It’s about actively inviting others to join us. We don’t just open our arms and allow others to come as they are… we seek out others who are standing alone or left out and invite them in. And when they show up, we celebrate their differences, rather than judging or criticizing them as is unfortunately so often done in our world today. Inclusivity is not about tolerating… It’s about embracing. We want your uniqueness here and value the innovation and fresh ideas that come from a collection of people with different backgrounds, beliefs, experiences, viewpoints, and appearances. We invite, include, celebrate, collaborate, and recognize we are better together.


Build up.
Don’t break down.

We always find what is right, what is constructive, what is creative, what is positive, and we put our attention there. In full recognition that our thoughts create things, we focus our thoughts on what is good. If we find ourselves in a situation where there is an unknown, we assume the positive over the negative, assigning meanings that are healing and creative, not hurtful and destructive. This applies to ourselves and others. We realize the power to create the reality we want is in us and in every thought and action, we build up.


Defend +

In a world where we show up big and shine bright, there will be others that try to take us down. But we won’t let this stop us from going out there and changing this world to be a more compassionate, accepting, and loving place. When others try to push people down, we pull them up. When others tell you are too bright, we say shine on! When others say don’t be so loud, we say speak up and share your story. This is who we are… and it’s worth protecting. As a community, it’s actually our job. We defend our community, and we protect our community, knowing that when one person hurts, we all hurt. We don’t tolerate gossip or drama, from the outside or the inside. We are strong in our unity.



In a world of finger pointing, we rise above. We always find our personal responsibility. We don’t blame or fault others or ourselves. We are not victims. We are powerful, perhaps beyond our own awareness, and are capable of great things. We find our cause to the consequence, own it, and from there create the change we want. We always hold ourselves accountable… and have the courage to hold our community members accountable as well. We care enough to be responsible and call others to a higher level of self responsibility and recognition of cause.



It’s a tough world. We can get beat up, fall down, stumble and make mistakes. Have grace with yourself. It’s ok. We got you and we know we can all make any wrong right. So, hang in there and keep going, growing each day and getting better through every experience. We always seek to practice forgiveness, grace and understanding with ourselves and others.


Gratitude +

In every moment of every day, there is something to be grateful for. Something to appreciate. Something to remind us of the constant blessings that exist all around us. And with this gratitude in our heart, we pass it on. We serve. We give to others… even if it’s just a smile. Service is not just something we do, it’s who we are. It’s navigating life with an appreciation and desire to help those around us.